
Weight loss

Healthy. Sustainable. Efficient.

Send us a request: Phone 030 - 40 52 41 42

Weight loss through personal training in Berlin

There are many reasons to reduce your own body weight. In addition to health risks and adverse effects it is also about aesthetics or your wish to fit back into your favorite pants and not to run out of breath quickly. Good intentions to sport and healthy food often fail because of the necessary self-discipline.

With fun and endurance the kilos will tumble

Our personal trainer in Berlin help you to reduce your weight in a healthy long term and permanent way. We promise no miracles, but we will work on your training program continuously to improve your weight loss, which is tailored to your fitness, your strength and your goals. Because the view of the scale is usually not sufficient as a motivation for fitness training, you have to feel like it!

Healthy food can be very tasty

For that reason we tailor our Personal Training in Berlin on two levels closely with your desires and habits because weightloss should be sustainable. On the one hand, we advise you in detail about a balanced, healthy diet, which is a prerequisite for efficiency in everyday life. We don’t demonize any food, but explain how you can reach satiety with smaller and healthier portions. And we will explain how you can replace unhealthy meals with healthy food without sacrificing delicious taste experiences.

Individual training program for weight loss

The second level of weight loss is the personal training. After an extensive fitness check our fitness coach works in Berlin with you to create a training program that is designed for a continuous weight loss. You should have fun working out so therefore our personal trainer will consider your preference since, there are many exercises and activities that promote weight loss.

Personal Training for a permanently slimmer figure

If you swim rather than jogging – no problem. Our personal trainers are also directed in scheduling and training where you prefer to. Important for weight loss is mainly patience and perseverance. And by the way our health care trainer in Berlin will make sure that even after the personal training you will maintain your reduced weight through an active lifestyle and most importantly healthy food.

eza Personal Training - Gewichtsverlust durch Personal Training
eza Personal Training - Gewichtsverlust durch Personal Training
eza Personal Training - Gewichtsverlust durch Personal Training
eza Personal Training - Gewichtsverlust durch Personal Training


Phone 030 – 40 52 41 42 or via online form


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