
Endurance training

Challenging. Supporting. Empowering.

Send us a request: Phone 030 - 40 52 41 42

Endurance training with your personal trainer in Berlin

Climbing the stairs is difficult for you? If you run to the bus stop, you’re out of breath? Or are you already quite sporty, but want to go a step further and prepare for a marathon? We can serve all your needs.

A good physical condition improves your health

With cardio fitness, we work on your stamina so that you can deal with small and large challenges without any problems. Constant performance by endurance training stabilizes your health, strengthens your immune system and promotes your cardiovascular system. This improves your blood and helps to lower heart attacks.

Work out your muscles permanently with a fitness coach in Berlin

Our personal trainer in Berlin will work with you to create a training plan that is tailored to your personal training goals. During cardio exercise more muscle groups are kept in motion by exercises. This personal training leads to improved fat metabolism, which facilitates breathing and is mostly associated with weight loss.

Individual endurance training for small and big goals

Through our personal trainer in Berlin especially your breathing and your cardiovascular system is being trained. Your Fitness Coach will measure your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate and determines an acceptable frequency of training. Endurance training can consist of different sports. Whether cycling, rowing, swimming, long distance running or gymnastic exercises, during aerobic exercise continuity is more important than performance. Your personal trainer takes into account your preferences and your individual limits in creating your training plan. Of course, your fitness coach also takes into consideration your time budget and can adjust your endurance training to various locations in Berlin. In that way you will find it easier and faster to experience an improvement in your stamina.

eza Personal Training - Personal Trainer für Ausdauertraining
eza Personal Training - Personal Trainer für Ausdauertraining
eza Personal Training - Personal Trainer für Ausdauertraining


Tel. 030 – 40 52 41 42 or via online form


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