
Back training

Noticeable. Painless. Pleasant.

Send us a request: Phone 030 - 40 52 41 42

Train your back with a personal trainer in Berlin

You are satisfied with your weight and your figure, but want to work on your posture? You sit daily at a desk, behind the wheel or move so little that your back hurts? Wrong posture can lead to tensed muscles and can spread over the back to the entire body making you feel uncomfortable . Since the spine basically forms the backbone of our body with its muscles it is important to keep your back muscles trained. This prevents bad posture and loss in strength.

Healthy posture and movement through back training

Targeted back training with a personal coach in Berlin can not only improve your posture and permanently make you feel fit and strong. It also strengthens your self-confidence by a more confident appearance and posture. In the daily over- or under-utilization of back muscles, you also learn exercises from your personal trainer to relax your back in the office or train your muscles alone with unilateral load.

Individual exercises with your personal fitness trainer in Berlin

Our personal trainer in Berlin are not therapists, but they are specialists when it comes to training you in deadlifts, lat pulldowns or dumbbell rows which target the back muscle groups. Our personal trainer in Berlin will discuss training goals with you before creating a tailored training program just for you.

Fun and success for sustainable back training

In this case, your fitness coach will work with you according to your wishes. Even with the scheduling and the respective training places our personal trainers are very flexible in Berlin. For back training it is usually not just a few hours of training but it is also about changing your attitude and incorporating simple exercises that you can use in your daily life and long term goals. A healthy back should not be overloaded but constantly in motion to train the back muscles. Therefore fun and success play an important role during our personal training in Berlin. Only with the joy of back exercises you will keep the motivation to continue the exercises permanently. Our fitness trainers are therefore trained to explain you versatile exercises on various occasions that take into account your exercising preferences.

eza Personal Training - Rückentraining mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Rückentraining mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Rückentraining mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Rückentraining mit ihrem Personal Trainer


Phone 030 – 40 52 41 42 or via online form


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