
Build up muscle

Simple. Quick. Effective.

Send us a request: Phone 030 - 40 52 41 42

Build up muscle with your personal coach in Berlin

Want to build muscle and strength? You want a stronger biceps, a defined six-pack or simply more strength and endurance in sports and exercise? With an individual training and nutrition plan, we support your muscle building effectively. Strengthen posture, increase your fat burning processes and increase your attractiveness it. All this is possible through targeted muscle training.

Targeted training let´s muscles grow

Our personal trainer in Berlin will first determine your body fitness and then develop a training plan according to your individual requirements that is specifically strengthening the muscle groups that you want to train.

More strength and energy through personal training in Berlin

With our personal training in Berlin it’s not just about an ideal figure through weight training. Each muscle group which is constantly trained is also strengthened in its function. In this way arms, legs, spine and other parts of the body can be trained and strengthened sustainably.

Individual nutrition plan supports toning

According to your training plan, we work with you to create an individual food plan as well. Because of the increased metabolism certain nutrients, particularly protein and fluid play an important role. Simultaneously, an unhealthy diet can be avoided with a balanced, long-term eating plan that we develop with you for the future.

Our fitness trainer will make muscle building fun

Our personal fitness trainer in Berlin not only focuses on sustainable results in muscle building. The personal training should be fun for you as well in order to continue the exercises in the future. Therefore, our fitness coaches listen carefully to your training needs, and are flexible with dates and exercise places. Our personal trainer also creates a diet plan that is not only nutritious and well-balanced, but also makes you want to crave healthy food.

eza Personal Training - Muskelaufbau mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Muskelaufbau mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Muskelaufbau mit ihrem Personal Trainer
eza Personal Training - Muskelaufbau mit ihrem Personal Trainer


Phone 030 – 40 52 41 42 or via online form


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